
How to deal with an introverted child

How to deal with an introverted child

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Albert Einstein was a very shy man. It was so difficult for him to befriend him that his closest friend was his sister. Brilliant physicist for his theory of relativity, he was convinced that "the monotony and solitude of a quiet life stimulates the creative mind."

However, sometimes as parents we can become distressed if our children are shy or withdrawn. Socially, those spontaneous children who find it easy to talk and make friends are more valuable. For this reason, it is not minor to stop for a moment and re-observe this behavior and know how we can act before an introverted child and empower him.

The truth is that introversion is a component of the personality and that it can even take different forms throughout development. In order to know if our son is an introvert, it is not enough to relate him to behaviors related to shyness; but rather you have to ask yourself and observe where they recharge their energies.

If the answer is being alone, doing some activity that is at the service of solitude such as reading, painting, walking etc; So we are facing an introverted child.

What tools exist to be able to accompany an introverted child, respecting this trait of his personality? Let's see the following:

1- As parents it is essential to be able to respect the need to allow them that time to be alone, because it is that space where they feel happy and full. This space can allow them to learn to target their anxiety instead of stuffing them with activities. It is important to reflect on what our children need and not what we want.

2- Introverted children need a longer adjustment time. They have a slower biological rhythm because they gradually digest and taste social stimuli. For this reason they are very observant and have a deep interiority. They are innate to embody the values ​​of the Slow Philosophy. It is recommended that in busy social activities they be the first to arrive, so that little by little they adapt to the people who attend the place of the celebration.

3- Talk about what will happen It is always a positive tool to calm and avoid anxiety in the face of a stressor. As parents they are advised to talk and anticipate about social situations. for example "for grandma's birthday remember that there will be more children and people."

4- Help and accompany your child in emotion when nervous in front of a social context. Some introverts have been studied to secrete cortisol, the stress hormone. So it is important to build an action plan that allows timely help to your child.

Think about the following. Thanks to that sister who knew how to accompany Einstein in silence, society had the contribution of this character to our society as a gift. It is essential to accompany our children respecting their own rhythms, because we recognize them as they are and not as we want them to be.

You can read more articles similar to How to deal with an introverted child, in the category of Conduct on site.

Video: How to deal with Introverts? Teaching for the 21st Century. Teaching for the Future. #AskSJS (November 2024).